Outdoor Yoga

Unlocking New Levels of Mindfulness Through Outdoor Yoga.

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on February 4, 2023

If you’re an avid yogi, you know that there is something special about practicing outdoors – the sound of birds chirping, the feeling of the sun on your skin, and the smell of nature around you. Outdoor yoga offers a unique experience unlike any other and can be incredibly invigorating for your body and mind. In this blog post, we’ll explore why outdoor yoga is so great, what to look for in an outdoor yoga class, and how you can get the most out of your outdoor yoga practice.

What is Outdoor Yoga?

Outdoor yoga is an ideal way to deepen your yoga practice while connecting with nature and its elements on a spiritual level.

Outdoor yoga is quickly becoming a popular way to practice mindfulness and physical activity. It combines the benefits of traditional yoga with the beauty of being in nature. Not only does outdoor yoga provide peace and tranquility, it has many other advantages that make it unique and beneficial for practitioners of all levels.

Outdoor yoga allows you to connect with your surroundings by actively engaging with your environment. From the warmth of the sun to the sounds of birds chirping, practicing outdoors can be a deeply rewarding experience that can help you feel more connected to yourself and nature. Additionally, breathing in fresh air while stretching can enhance your physical performance as well as increase oxygen intake in your lungs, leading to better concentration during class.

Outdoor Yoga Benefits:

When it comes to yoga, there are so many advantages that come with doing the practice outdoors. Outdoor yoga is not only physically invigorating, but it can also be a great way to connect with nature and to de-stress from our daily lives.

Outdoor yoga can provide a unique environment that can help you to deepen your practice. You’ll be surrounded by beautiful scenery, fresh air, and peace and quiet, which can help to put your mind at ease. The added benefit of being in the sun can also help to boost your vitamin D levels.

Yoga done outdoors can be more challenging than indoor yoga due to uneven ground, changes in temperature, and other environmental factors. This can add an extra layer of challenge to your practice that can help to build strength and resilience.

In addition to its physical benefits, outdoor yoga is also an excellent way to clear your head and connect with the world around you. Being in nature can help you to gain perspective on your life, as well as to develop a deeper connection to yourself.

Best Outdoor Yoga Poses:

  • Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar):

This series of 12 poses is one of the most popular sequences of yoga asanas. It is a great way to warm up the body and energize it before doing more difficult postures.

  • Standing Poses:

Standing poses such as Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle, Half Moon and Tree Pose are all great poses to practice outdoors. These poses require balance and strength, and help you to feel connected to your environment.

  • Seated Poses:

Seated poses such as Child’s Pose, Cat/Cow Pose, Forward Fold, Seated Twist and Bridge Pose can all be done outdoors. These poses are great for stretching, releasing tension and calming the mind.

  • Backbends:

Backbends such as Cobra Pose, Bow Pose, Locust Pose and Camel Pose are perfect for practicing outdoors. Backbends are energizing poses that help to strengthen and open the spine.

  • Arm Balances:

Arm balances such as Crow Pose, Side Crow Pose and Handstand require strength and balance. These challenging poses can help to build confidence while providing an invigorating workout.

  • Inversions – Inversions such as Headstand, Shoulder Stand and Plow Pose are excellent for improving circulation and calming the mind. Inversions should only be practiced if you have the proper knowledge and experience.
  • Savasana – Savasana is one of the most important poses in any practice. This pose allows the body to relax deeply and soak in the benefits of your practice. It can be especially revitalizing when practiced outdoors, in the fresh air.

No matter what poses you practice in an outdoor setting, be sure to honor your body by listening to what it needs. You may want to modify or skip some poses, depending on your physical abilities and comfort level. Most importantly, connect with nature and enjoy your practice!

What to Keep in Mind When Doing Outdoor Yoga?

1. Prepare for the weather: When doing outdoor yoga, make sure to check the weather before you plan your practice and wear appropriate clothing for the conditions. Sunscreen and bug spray may be needed, as well as a towel and water bottle.

2. Keep your focus on your breath: With the sounds of nature around you, it can be easy to get distracted. Make sure to stay focused on your breath and your movements so that you can get the most out of your practice.

3. Choose a spot with good footing: To ensure safety when practicing outdoors, make sure to select an area with firm ground that is free of rocks and other obstacles. If possible, try to find a spot with some shade, too.

4. Respect nature: When practicing outdoors, be mindful of the environment around you and show respect for nature. Don’t leave any garbage or take anything from the area that doesn’t belong to you.

5. Avoid direct sunlight: Try to practice in an area that will be in shade throughout the duration of your practice. Excessive sun exposure can cause dehydration and heat exhaustion.

Be mindful of the time and intensity of your practice as these factors also play a role in how much sunscreen you’ll need to apply. Additionally, keep an eye out for wildlife that might appear during your session—while it’s fun to have furry friends join you during your practice, remember to never touch or feed wild animals!

Finally, if possible, invite a friend along for your session—this way, if something unexpected happens during your practice, there will be someone there who can help if needed. Outdoors yoga can provide a refreshing change of scenery and provide many benefits that simply cannot be found while practicing indoors. So grab your yoga mat and head outside—you won’t regret it!

FAQ’s about Outdoor Yoga!

Q1. What is outdoor yoga?

Outdoor yoga is an outdoor exercise practice that combines traditional yoga poses with the fresh air and sounds of nature. It’s a great way to immerse yourself in the beauty of nature while also taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing. Unlike traditional yoga in a studio, outdoor yoga often includes natural elements such as plants, trees, and rocks.

It also allows you to combine your practice with the unique sounds of birds chirping or waves crashing. In addition, you get the benefits of vitamin D from the sun, which can help reduce stress and boost your mood. Outdoor yoga is an invigorating and refreshing experience that will help you to cultivate a deeper connection with yourself and nature.

Q2. Is it good to do yoga outside?

Yes, absolutely! There are many benefits to doing yoga outdoors. For one, the fresh air and natural environment can help you feel energized and connected to nature, and it can be a great source of inspiration for your practice. Doing yoga outdoors also helps increase your awareness of your body and your surroundings.

Plus, practicing outdoors can help you deepen your connection with the physical aspects of yoga by heightening your sense of balance, flexibility, and coordination. Finally, outdoor yoga is an excellent way to enjoy the beauty of nature while getting in some physical activity. All in all, outdoor yoga is a great way to get a unique experience from your practice!

Q3. How do I plan an outdoor yoga?

Planning an outdoor yoga can be a great way to bring new life to your yoga practice and allow you to experience a fresh, natural atmosphere. When planning your yoga, there are a few things you should consider in order making the most of your outdoor experience.

Safety is a priority when planning any type of yoga, and this is especially important when doing yoga outdoors. Before heading outside, be sure to check the weather forecast and dress appropriately for the conditions.

Avoid taking yoga during extreme heat or wind, and if you plan to teach at night, be sure to light the area with portable lamps or flashlights. Make sure everyone has enough space to move safely and that any props are firmly secured.

Next, you’ll want to think about the type of poses and sequences that will work best with your outdoor environment. Aim to use poses that require minimal adjustments to accommodate uneven ground or instability from the wind. Consider incorporating standing poses as well as seated poses and consider teaching more mindful techniques such as breathing exercises, mindfulness meditation, and relaxation techniques.


Finally, when it comes to setting up an outdoor yoga, it is important to select a suitable location. A spot with plenty of shade and fresh air will provide an ideal atmosphere for an outdoor yoga. Be sure to check the area for safety hazards before beginning the yoga and make sure to clean up any debris afterwards.

With some careful preparation and consideration, you can create a memorable outdoor yoga that you and your students will enjoy. With the right environment, outdoor yoga can be a wonderful way to reconnect with nature and find a deeper sense of peace in your practice.

Outdoor yoga can surely be a blessing for your physical and mental well-being so does not miss out on it by any means. However, make sure that you seek professional guidance before you indulge in outdoor yoga so that you do not harm yourself in any way. It will be the best approach on your part. You will enjoy good physical and mental health after opting for outdoor yoga.

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