Yoga Swing Poses for Back Pain

Yoga Swing Poses for Back Pain – Get Relieve Back Pain Easily.

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on February 8, 2023

Are you struggling with chronic back pain? If so, you’re certainly not alone. The good news is, there are ways to alleviate pain without the use of medications. A yoga swing for back pain can be your best resort. In this blog post, we’ll explore how to relieve back pain with a yoga swing and discuss some of the potential benefits of this type of exercise.

What is a Yoga Swing?

A yoga swing is a type of yoga prop that is designed to support the body and help with various poses. It is basically a large hammock that allows you to practice inversions, stretch your spine and hips, and access deeper postures. The yoga swing can help to open up your hips and give you a deep stretch in your back and abdomen, as well as strengthen your core muscles. It also helps to alleviate stress and tension in the body, especially in the lower back. There are different types of yoga swings available in the market, such as portable swings, standing swings, and full-sized swings. Depending on the type of swing you choose, you can use it for a variety of poses, from standing poses to inversions.

What are the Benefits of a Yoga Swing?

Using best yoga swing can provide a variety of benefits for those suffering from back pain. It is a great way to open up the spine and stretch the body, while also providing support and stability.

Yoga swings can help with alignment, posture, and flexibility, as it allows you to move into poses with more ease and less strain on your body. By hanging upside down or in various positions, it helps release tension and stimulate the nervous system. It also promotes better circulation and helps with lymphatic drainage.

Yoga swings are an excellent way to strengthen the core muscles, which can help support the spine and reduce back pain. By suspending the body, the muscles get an opportunity to work against gravity, which will improve strength and muscle balance. Additionally, you can use the swing to perform a range of stretches and exercises that focus on different muscle groups, such as the glutes, hamstrings, and abs.

Hanging in a yoga swing can help realign the spine and increase spinal mobility. This can help reduce pain and stiffness, as well as promote overall spinal health. The suspension also encourages traction on the discs of the spine, which can help reduce inflammation and increase blood flow.

Overall, using a yoga swing has many potential benefits for those dealing with back pain. By providing support, stability, and alignment, as well as improving flexibility and strength, it is an effective tool to help manage back pain.

Best Yoga Swing Poses For Back Pain:

Yoga swings poses for back pain can be the best approach to get rid of pain. Many poses can be done in a yoga swing to help alleviate discomfort and improve mobility. Some of the most popular poses for back pain include supported bridge, supine twist, inversion, and aerial cat/cow.

  • Supported bridge:

Supported bridge is done by laying on your back in the swing and using the support of the swing to bring your pelvis off the ground. This will help to open up the hips and back muscles, allowing for greater flexibility and range of motion.

  • Supine twist:

Supine twist is another great pose for relieving back pain. You can do this pose by lying on your back in the swing and wrapping your arms around the swing for support. Then, you will slowly twist from one side to the other, allowing your spine to gently stretch and realign itself.

  • Inversion:

Inversion is another popular pose that can help reduce back pain. It involves suspending yourself upside down in the swing while keeping your body relaxed. This pose helps to improve blood circulation to the spine and helps to relieve tension and pressure in the back.

  • Aerial cat/cow:

Aerial cat/cow is a gentle pose that can help release tension and pain in the lower back. You will begin this pose with your arms draped over the swing and your feet resting on the floor. Then, as you inhale, arch your back and look up towards the ceiling. As you exhale, tuck your chin into your chest and curl your back downwards.

By performing any of these poses regularly in a yoga swing, you can help to alleviate tension and pain in the back. Make sure to move slowly and mindfully when doing any of these poses and only do poses that feel comfortable for you.

Which Yoga Swing Poses should not be done in Back Pain?

Although the use of a yoga swing can be beneficial in relieving back pain, there are certain poses that should be avoided if you suffer from back pain. Inversions such as headstands and handstands should not be done on a yoga swing as they put too much pressure on the spine and could make the condition worse. It is also important to avoid twisting poses, such as revolved triangle or half moon, as these can cause strain on the lower back.

The key to using a yoga swing safely is to be aware of your body’s limitations and to move slowly and gently. If you feel any strain or discomfort, stop immediately and modify the pose so that it does not exacerbate the pain. Always listen to your body and seek advice from a qualified yoga teacher if you are unsure about how to proceed.

How Do You Stretch Your Back on a Yoga Swing Exercise?

Stretching your back on a yoga swing can be an incredibly effective way to relieve back pain. It is important to use proper form and technique when performing any stretches to ensure that you do not injure yourself. Here are some of the best ways to stretch your back on a yoga swing:

1. Chest Opener: – Sit on the swing and wrap your arms around the ropes, while keeping your feet flat on the ground. Arch your back by pressing your chest forward as far as you can go and hold this position for 30 seconds.

2. Shoulder Opener: – To stretch your shoulders, sit with your legs crossed and reach up with your arms to grab the ropes. Lean back while pulling the ropes towards you and hold this pose for 30 seconds. This pose helps to stretch your chest, shoulders, arms and even your lower back muscles.

3. Spinal Twist: – To perform this stretch, sit on the yoga swing with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Grab onto the ropes with both hands and twist your body from side to side, holding each side for 30 seconds. This helps to stretch out your entire spine and hips.

These are just a few of the many different stretching exercises that can be done on a yoga swing. Each stretch should be held for 30 seconds or longer and it is important to listen to your body and only perform stretches that are comfortable for you. Remember that stretching can help to relieve back pain but it is important to take regular breaks and avoid overstretching as this can cause further injury.

Should I Do Yoga Swing Yoga If My Back Hurts?

The answer to this question really depends on the individual and their situation. It is important to note that any physical activity that causes pain should be avoided as it can lead to further injury. In general, gentle stretching and low impact yoga poses can help relieve back pain. However, if the back pain is severe or accompanied by other symptoms such as numbness or tingling, it is best to consult with a medical professional before attempting any yoga poses.

Yoga can be beneficial in managing chronic pain, but there are certain poses and sequences that are best avoided. These include poses that require extreme flexibility and backbends that create pressure in the spine. Additionally, poses that require strong core engagement and deep stretches should also be avoided if you are dealing with back pain.

If you would like to give yoga a try while dealing with back pain, consider a gentle class with a qualified instructor. Many studios offer classes specifically designed for people dealing with chronic pain. Additionally, there are some great at-home yoga videos that provide modifications for poses to make them more comfortable. Remember to listen to your body and stop if anything becomes too uncomfortable. Yoga should never hurt – instead it should be a mindful practice that focuses on balance and relaxation.


Using a yoga swing for back pain can be an effective way to alleviate pain and tension in the back. The yoga swing allows for a variety of stretching and strengthening exercises that can help to improve the range of motion in the spine and release tension in the back muscles. Additionally, inversions, such as the ones that can be achieved with a yoga swing, can help to relieve pressure on the discs in the spine, which can help to reduce pain. Furthermore, these poses can also help to increase blood flow to the spine and surrounding muscles, which can aid in the healing process. Regular use of a yoga swing can help to improve overall spinal health and reduce chronic back pain.

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