Frog Pose

Frog Pose – How to Do Frog Pose?

Medically Reviewed by Ashley Rosa

Written by Better Yoga Life Staff

Published on January 31, 2023

Frog Pose Yoga is a unique and challenging yoga pose that is sure to make you flexible and fit. If you’re looking to add an extra layer of difficulty to your yoga practice, then Frog Pose is the perfect choice. In this blog post, we’ll explain the basics of Frog Pose, discuss its benefits, and provide some tips for how to get started. So get ready to stretch, strengthen, and become more flexible with Frog Pose.

History of Frog Pose:

The pose’s name is derived from the Sanskrit word “manduka,” which translates to “frog.” It was likely given this name due to the similarity of the shape that your body makes in the pose to a crouching frog.

The pose first became popular in the West in the 20th century when Iyengar, a renowned yogi and author, wrote about it in his book Light on Yoga. Since then, the pose has become increasingly popular among yoga practitioners of all levels.

Frog pose is an important part of many different types of yoga styles, including Ashtanga, Iyengar, Vinyasa, and Hatha. It is used to strengthen the lower body, improve balance and flexibility, and deepen stretches. It also helps to open up the hips, which can help with relieving lower back pain and tension.

The pose has a range of benefits for both beginners and more experienced yogis alike. The challenging nature of the pose can make it intimidating for beginners, but it is worth pushing through because of all the benefits it can offer.

Benefits of Frog Yoga Pose:

It is a great yoga pose that offers many benefits. It helps to improve flexibility and mobility in the hips, as well as providing strength for the lower back. It also strengthens and tones the core muscles, which can help to improve posture. Other benefits of Frog Pose include improved digestion, stress relief, improved circulation, and increased energy levels.

 This pose also helps to stretch the inner thigh muscles and outer hip muscles, while at the same time strengthening the glutes, which can help to reduce lower back pain. Additionally, Frog Pose can help to relieve tension in the lower body and improve balance. Finally, this pose can help with relaxation and calming the mind, as it allows for a deep sense of grounding.

How to Do Frog Pose?

Frog Pose (Mandukasana) is a yoga pose that stretches the groin and inner thigh muscles while also strengthening the lower body. To properly do this pose, you’ll need to start by coming into a tabletop position with your hands and knees on the ground. Make sure your wrists are directly beneath your shoulders and your knees are directly beneath your hips.

Take a deep breath and on an exhale, begin to walk your feet out away from your body. Open up your feet so that they are slightly wider than hip-distance apart. Then, bend your knees outward and start to draw your hips back towards your heels as you press your thighs downward. Make sure your thighs are parallel to each other.

Next, extend your arms forward and press your chest towards the floor. You can keep your hands on the ground or grab opposite elbows for a more supported variation of the pose. Relax your neck and shoulders and make sure that you’re breathing steadily throughout the pose. Hold for 30-60 seconds, then slowly release and come back to tabletop position.

Remember to never push yourself beyond what is comfortable or cause yourself any pain when doing It. If you’re feeling too much strain, take a break or come out of the pose completely. You can always try again later when you’re ready.

What to Expect When Doing Frog Pose?

When you’re ready to take on the challenge of Frog Pose, there are a few things you can expect. First, you’ll need a bit of flexibility in your hips and legs. This is because you’ll need to be able to move into the pose without strain or pain. You’ll also need strength in your core and upper body, as you’ll be using these muscles to help support your weight as you hold the pose.

When you enter this Pose, you should feel a gentle stretch in your inner thighs and groin. You may also feel a slight sensation in your lower back and abdominal area. As you hold the pose, the tension should release and it should become easier to maintain.

If done correctly, you should feel the stretch throughout your entire inner thigh, from hip to knee. It’s important to keep your chest lifted and your head and neck relaxed during the pose to ensure that you get the full benefits.

While It is relatively easy to do, it does require patience and practice. With regular practice, you can expect to increase your flexibility and strength in no time.

FAQ’s about Frog Pose!

Q1. What is a Frog Pose good for?

It is a beneficial yoga pose that can help strengthen and stretch the body. It can be used as a preparation for backbends, hip openers, and asanas that require flexibility. It helps to increase the flexibility of the hips, groin, and inner thighs.

Q2. Why is Frog Pose so hard?

It can be one of the more challenging poses in yoga, as it requires a great deal of flexibility, balance and strength. The pose requires you to open your hips in a very deep way and even though your hands and feet remain on the floor, you need to activate your core muscles for stability.

Q3. Who should not does frog pose?

If you have any recent or chronic injuries to your hips, knees, ankles, or lower back, it is advised to avoid Frog Pose.

Q4. Does the frog pose widen hips?

The short answer is no, It does not widen hips.


Frog Pose Yoga is an excellent way for yoga lovers to increase their flexibility and strengthen their core muscles. It can also be a great way to stretch the hips and open up the chest. With proper technique, this pose can provide many benefits to yogis of all levels.

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